Before I begin, Liam if you’re reading this. I will do anything to make this happen! There are some edits in my “Fanboy Edit” that don’t have a studio release. I think I’m not alone…

Before I begin, Liam if you’re reading this. I will do anything to make this happen! There are some edits in my “Fanboy Edit” that don’t have a studio release. I think I’m not alone…
You know, I been thinking about this lately… Should the boys release another album? Somewhat confused of the messages they’ve come out with as of late. I’m pretty sure they’ve said times have changed, EPs…
Hello there my fellow Prodigy Fanboy friends, Today The Prodigy Fanboy turns 7 years old. Crazy how time flies by. Started this site as a kid & now a married man. In that time Fanboy…
Been browsing through Fanboy Forum a lot lately & came across one topic… one epic topic: How To Steal A Jetfighter Era Live Videos. This topic was created during the Jetfighter era, & what an era…
JILTED GENERATOR from Fanboy Forums is at it again. Posting on Your most treasured Prodigy possession? He’s added two new videos showing off Liam’s Roland W30 with samples & the XL mix of Everybody In The…
Over on Fanboy Forum, there’s a sweet topic happening: Your most treasured Prodigy possession? There are so many great items on there, however… Fanboy Forum member JILTEDGENERATOR has to have the best item by far, Liam’s TB-303! He’s…
Hello all, Over at Fanboy Forum, community member ACEPRODIGY has come up with an awesome topic titled: Interview questions never asked “The Prodigy” He writes: I have been thinking lately their are questions that simply may never…
Hello all, running a Poll on Fanboy Forum here: I remember when @hyperspeed worked out that the title was Rebel Radio. I have to say, that I did love it. I feel like it delivers a stronger…
Hello my fellow Fanboy Warriors, So we’ve had a bit of time with The Prodigy’s latest release, The Night Is My Friend EP. I’ve had it on pretty much on repeat all day, everyday. Really…
The Prodigy have discussed the possibility of their retirement for the first time, admitting that the band is “gonna come to an end at some point”. In this months NME issue. We’re chatting about it…
So, the album had been out for a but now and I’m sure everyone has listened to it everyday on repeat as well. With so many amazing tracks on this album. Asking a question like…
The following is from the Fanboy Forum. Danny Fanboy: So, the problem with The Prodigy is. There are too many great tracks for the live set. I think this problem really came into effect during…
We asked the Fanboy Community: What’s Your Favourite Prodigy Lyric? We know they aren’t about lyrics… more lines or actually samples. But you get the idea! Here are the forum replies so far: Danny Fanboy: “Change…
The Prodigy Fanboy Exclusive! NEOREV featuring MarcusS – “Sway” is taken from the upcoming MAKE YOUR BODY SWAY EP due out on October 31st and will be available for free download in the format of…
Originally Posted on The Prodigy Fanboy Forum: Warriors Dance Official: You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video Warriors Dance Rave Special: You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view…
This topic was started on the Fanboy Forum: Danny Fanboy: I think is one might be an easy one… we’ll see. So, we got Break & Enter (Jilted) VS Break & Enter (2005 Live Edit)…
G’day Fanboy Warriors! Today I had a thought that might be pretty neat. So I just posted on the Fanboy Forum a topic titled: Would you pay more for a ticket if The Prodigy increase the…
G’day Prodigy Fanboy Warriors! Over on the forum, I had started the almighty Poison (Jilted) VS Poison (Edit) VS Poison (Radio 1) VS Poison (Science Dub) topic. Here’s what has gone down so far: Topic link: Ok,…
Over on The Prodigy Fanboy Forum, a great topic is so great we have to share it here on Fanboy! The Prodigy Flyers & Posters is the topic started by Fanboy Author GL0WKiD. There is a…
G’day Prodigy Warriors! As you all know, we’ve recently launched our very own Forum! And there has been a big response from you, the fans! Ok so one of the great topics that has come about: How Would…