On March 4th, I was laying down in bed after a good hard days work & playing around with my daughter at the local park. As I was about to snooze off in bed I receive a message about Keith’s passing from my good mate Brian. I was in total shock, frozen. About 30 seconds later, my wife runs into the bedroom as she finds the news via her social networks. The entire night, I was in shock. I felt so sad, thought why? what happened? I was angry, sad, confused, upset, broken. The next morning, on the way to work. I had Light Up The Sky on in the car, I broke down man.
On March 4th, we lost one of our own. Last time I saw Keith (last month on Aussie Tour), he was pure fire on stage. The Prodigy at their best! The set was so raw, fresh & real. All the boys in form, new beats is their best yet. Keith was so happy to be around fans & people backstage. Over the years I’ve got to see Keith for little bits there & there. He is the coolest, always smiling type of guy & always had time for the fans. Keith wasn’t a follower, he was a leader. I remember seeing him on TV when I was young. I was blown away, here is someone that isn’t like everyone else. Keith is Keith, he was himself. Then and there I knew it was ok if I didn’t fit in with everyone else, that I didn’t have to be like the other kids. I could just be me. Be my own leader. I am forever grateful. This is what makes it so hard, he gave us everything. Love, passion, fire, energy, adrenaline, escape and so much more. As I’m writing this right now, I’m so broken. Hard to think, hard to write. Am I really writing about this? I wish it was a dream, I wish I could just see him, hug him. See him smile & be happy. It doesn’t feel real he’s gone, he should be here. We have lost an icon, a legend, an inspiration.
Keith, wherever you are mate. I hope you’re in a better place. I hope you’re tearing it up man. Somehow, if you’re reading this. Thank you for everything that you gave us & I want you to know, I love you man. x
RIP my friend.
-Danny Fanboy

Danny Fanboy here. Taking a break, might not come back actually… If there’s anything major, I might jump back on & write about it. You’ll find it in the News Posts section. To get notified, be sure you’re following us via Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. I wish this website was my full time job & paid my bills. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a way. However that was never the plan anyway, it was always for the love of the band. Working hard physical heavy 10 hour work days & a family to support now. I just don’t have the time to give this website respect it deserves. So it’s on hold with all the content intact. Fanboy Forum is highly active & I’ll be on from time to time.
I started this website for a few reasons. I wanted to create a website that was amazing for the Prodigy community. I want to show my love for this incredible band. I also had this really crazy idea, this crazy dream that one day, the website would get recognised & maybe, just maybe I’ll get to shake the hands of the members & say thank you for everything. I’ve been a very lucky fan, I’ve had that moment a few times now. Lucky enough to tour around, loosing count of how many times I’ve seen them live. Also, very lucky to meet some amazing people in management.
In the early days, I was just a visitor… a fan on the legendary Neko site & later a news contributor on The Prodigy NL. I launched this website in July 2009 and it has quickly become one of the biggest Prodigy fan sites. Often wish I had started Fanboy much earlier but hey better late than never. During 2010, The Prodigy NL had merged with Fanboy, bringing in two Authors: ET & MartinProdigy. In 2013, cosmicbadger joined the team for Graphics Design and GL0WKiD also joined our team of Authors & also bringing his Music Podcast to the site. Over the years we’ve been lucky enough to interview Liam Howlett (1 , 2 & 3), Maxim, Paul Dugdale, Leeroy Thornhill & many more. My favourite one is definitely Paul’s. We’ve done some incredible competitions as well, customised cassette player by Liam, signed CDs, gig tickets & much more. Fanboy hit it’s highest peak in the month of April 2012, with 2,172,652 hits. There have been quite a few major milestones over the years. Have to also mention GL0WKiDs Prodigy Fanboy Music Podcast, which has been noticed around the whole world & now GL0WKiD has expanded into bigger things. cosmicbadger helping us out with his graphic design skills are major for the site. GL0WKiD & cosmicbadger put Fanboy on another level man.
My favourite Prodigy track is Smack My Bitch Up hands down. That track is on another level man. As for my favourite album. For many years it was the album that takes you on a journey, Music For The Jilted Generation. However when Invaders Must Die came out, man this record was the best. What I think would be neater, this Fanboy Edit I put together. Something I wish would happen. But I think it’s on the same list of things like No Souvenirs, AONO Version 1 & Dirtchamber 2… as in, never happen.
Looking back on Fanboy. Man, I put in hundreds of hours into this. In the beginning, I spent at least 1 to 2… even 4 hours daily for a few years, searching, learning, always wanting to make things better. To give The Prodigy & the fans an amazing fan site. I’m never 100% happy no matter how incredible this site was, I always was hungry to make it better. After a few years, I still spent 30 minutes daily. Honestly so much time of my life has gone into this website. It’s a part of me, my life. It’s my baby. I won’t lie, there’s been ups & down. There’s also been times I was going to sell. However I cannot leave it go… like I said, it’s my baby. Unless… the price is right, I could use the cash to support my family & also not loose my house, doing it tough right now. How did I come up with the website name? The Prodigy Fanboy? Well, I wanted to be different, I knew it had to be different. There are so many fan sites out there & I didn’t want to be just another fan site. Growing up on professional wrestling, those with great gimmicks & great character always succeed. So the site was built on that idea. I gave it an identity. At the time, I was a PlayStation junkie… I used to visit a website called PlayStation Fanboy for news. So I went with that. Colour is important as well, the website was always going to be dark… so I needed something to go with black… so after some time, I went with “Fanboy Pink”. Which went well with the Fanboy identity.
The Prodigy means the world to me. They’ve been a big part of my life. To me, the music, the beats, what they represent. Has been & will always be who I am today. The Prodigy got me through the tough times. Their music gives me the power, energy, the motivation to stand tall and take on all my obstacles. At their gigs being in that crowd and the boys in attack mode. That moment, I have no worries. My mind & body is free. Dancing to Prodigy beats. The gigs are the most amazing life experiences man. There are many stand out moments. The ones that stick close to me. The first time I saw them live. Seeing them on stage for the first time was unbelievable, I knew this was my home. Also, the first time I got to hangout with the boys. Finally getting the opportunity to shake their hands and say thanks. Plus hearing that they love what I do with the fansite, man that means so much to me. The Prodigy is a way of life, they are my religion.
Much respect & thanks to the band & management. They’ve been very good to me over the years. They’ve done amazing things & looked after me very well. They truely are the coolest & nicest people. Friends for life.
Hard work pays off, dreams come true.
Danny Fanboy.
The Prodigy Fanboy Banner over the years:
A big part of Fanboy has always been The Prodigy Fanboy Banner. For the website, ease of use & design is key. Graphic design plays a big role here. Over the years the Banner has evolved quite a bit. Many thanks to everyone who helped us along this journey:
One Love
Remember a few years ago? Remember the raves with the pumping bass, the volume at it’s best. The atmosphere kicking, the people friendly and free! But then the police had to put their oar in, the government then have their say, ‘turn down the music, noise pollution’. What a loud of bollocks. If you’ve been to the latest raves then you’ll know the score. What’s going on? You pay between 10-25 quid, queue up for about 45 minutes whilst having to put up with the old bill eyeing you up and down as if you’re some sort of mass murderer, and once you’ve been searched and had your shoes and socks removed, you then walk into the grounds to be met by thousands of police and the music at about 2 D.B.’s, you might as well have bought your Walkman. At every large rave lately the department of health and environment are there with their precious little toys called D.B. meters making sure the volume doesn’t go above a certain level. For example, if you went to Universe on 13/08/93, Resurrection on 14/08/93 or Living Dream 6/08/93 then you’ll know what we mean. All we can do is apologize to you all for the very bad sound quality. But what can we do? You can’t blame the promoters because they are doing an excellent job of bringing you the best quality sound system (even though you don’t get to hear it at it’s best). Excellent lighting, D.Js. You can’t fault them if they did try to turn up the volume then the authorities have two methods of getting them to turn it down – 1. They can revoke the license and close down the party and then ban any further events by the offending organization. 2. Impose ridiculous fines, which could be in excess of £25,000 and revoke any future licenses. Now you know why these events are becoming more and more of an effort to go to, and why they’re so quiet when you do. So there’s no one left to blame but the authorities. Bollocks to the authorities, you can’t stop us, we’re gonna keep the dance scene strong even if the world isn’t. This is your day and no one can take it away from you. The dance scene is far to big to just disappear. Respect – Liam, Leeroy, Maxim & Keith. – 1993.