Danny Fanboy: At the moment you’re working on your Smash Hi-Fi project. How has it all been going?
Leeroy Thornhill: The Smash Hifi project is going really well – this year should be exciting, we’re releasing a single Ready for This in March on instant vibes and will follow that by releasing the album in the summer.
Danny Fanboy: What can the fans expect to see in the future from Smash Hi-Fi?
Leeroy Thornhill: There will be more Smash Hi-Fi live gigs in 2014

Danny Fanboy: James Brown was a big influence for you while in The Prodigy, who are your influences for your music?
Leeroy Thornhill: There are so many influences a lot of funk, soul and disco, I thinks anything goes at the moment there has been some amazing bootlegs made with samples from all genres, we experiment with all sorts of music trying to fit it into our sound.
Danny Fanboy: How has your label Electric Tastebuds experience been going?
Leeroy Thornhill: Not much happening there, it’s still in place but I’m not planning anything with it at the moment.
Danny Fanboy: Dance/ Rave/ EDM… music has come a long way the past few years. What do you think of the scene now and who are you listening to at the moment?
Leeroy Thornhill: I think the dance scene is really strong at the moment there are so many different genres but a lot of them are using similar sounds, so crowds are more accepting to the tempos and drums. For me the kazantip festival is a perfect example of people listening to all styles of music.
Danny Fanboy: How can fans stay up to date & connected to you?
-Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeeroyThornhill
-SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/leeroy-thornhill

Danny Fanboy: What have been the main differences for you between being part of The Prodigy and doing your own thing now?
Leeroy Thornhill: Not much really – I’m still getting on too many flights, living out of bags every week and most importantly getting a buzz from playing music to people.
Danny Fanboy: Since your departure with The Prodigy. They’ve released two studio albums Always Outnumbered Never Outgunned & Invaders Must Die. What are your thoughts on both records & what are your favourite tracks?
Leeroy Thornhill: I really enjoyed both albums I think Always Outnumbered, was a bit more of a studio album in regards to how it was made, compared to all the others which always feel more like albums made for the live show. Hotride and girls were two of my favorite tracks but the guys have never done a tune I haven’t liked. Invaders for me was banging and perfect for the live show. Invaders must die and omen both drop big time when I play them.
Danny Fanboy: Will your Babys Got A Temper remix see the light of day? Same with Hotride, Invaders Must Die and others. Maybe you can share something with us?
Leeroy Thornhill: I don’t expect them to get out there, they just weren’t good enough, Liam will often let me have a play with a remix, and I’m sure if it was good enough he would use it. Hopefully I’ll get one right in the future.
Danny Fanboy: Any words you’d like to share with us?
Leeroy Thornhill: I’m working on some new tracks at the moment and they seem to be dropping pretty well when I’m djing, they should be ready in the next few months.
I hope you all have a rocking 2014