You all remember the Future Funk Squad remix of Spitfire? Well, as a Christmas present FFS released a reworked version of the remix. You can even download it in high quality after signing up on FFS’ mailing list. Here is what the band posted on their SoundCloud:
Merry Christmas!!
This is a little cheeky but I figured as I have already given away 11 stomping 320’s you wouldn’t mind taking a second to join my Future Funk Squad mailing list in order to receive updates on the new album, exclusive mixes, giveaways and of course a 320 of this remix! ;-)
Sign up here: http://madmimi.com/signups/join/20930 [FFS Mailing list, no spamming guaranteed! ;)]
Again, Merry Christmas and thanks for supporting me!!
Spitfire (Future Funk Squads Dub 2011 Update) The Prodigy [128kps – Sign up to receive a 320!!] by Future Funk Squad