![‘What the fuck is that about?’ : Prodigy frontman not a fan of Gangnam Style Outspoken- Keith Flint has lashed out at Psy. Photo- Dallas Kilponen](https://theprodigyfanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Outspoken-Keith-Flint-has-lashed-out-at-Psy.-Photo-Dallas-Kilponen1-300x225.jpg)
‘What the fuck is that about?’ : Prodigy frontman not a fan of Gangnam Style
by The Prodigy FanboyG’day Fanboys! I came across this ‘news’ a little late. Here it is anyway, nice little read… ‘‘I’m proud to say I’ve never listened to that Gangnam Style. What the fuckk is that about?’’ Flint…