Hey guys it’s Danny, The Prodigy Fanboy here..
Most of you/our fans on Fanboy are from the UK. Just reading up on comments on our Facebook Page, some of you are caught up in this bullshit. I hope you & all your families are all okay and hopefully this bollocks ends real soon!
Stay in contact on our Facebook Page. Also our Twitter Profile.
Stay safe guys.
UPDATE: Fuck me, more of our fans in this mess :(
Roy316: @Prodigy_Fanboy Hey! Things are getting worse man over here! What the F**k is wrong with these people man!
Dickybeat: @Prodigy_Fanboy it’s really bad over here it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better fingers crossed KEEP London SAFE
Daniel D Smith (From Bristol): Man, in bristol shits only just kicking off … check this out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC2CJC4KtS8
Luke Dell: riots 5 mins from my house.getting a bit worried now
Paul A. Garrity: A few minutes down the road from me in Toxteth, Liverpool. Not looking forward to tonight…