UPDATE: Thanks to Ingi from Fanboy Facebook. Have confirmed that this is not the first time Firestarter was played. In fact, Firestarter was played for the first time at Ilford, England. 28.10.1995. So the footage we have is still, pretty new. Only a month later it was first played. Here is a link provided by Ingi to confirm this information: http://www.theprodigy.pl/index.php?a=gigs&id=470
Now I’m not 100% sure that this is it. However I am pretty sure it is. Please correct me if I am wrong.
This took place at the Sports Palace, Bucharest, Romania. On November 25th, 1995.
It is amazing footage. The 5:00 minute mark at freaking epic! Enjoy the watch guys.
Credit: Pierre from Fanboy Facebook & Borezej YouTube.