The Ant Project by Wojtek Winiarski from our Fanboy Facebook community is based on the Wood Ant item at the door scene, at the beginning of the Invaders Must Die video clip.
First thing you need to do, is Just Get a piece of wood. (I used 7x15cm).

You can get any size, that will suit your needs. Print your ant , and glue it to the wood.

Now, take a GOOD knife, and start cutting off the white paper at the borders. (I used Stanley retractable blablabla. Sharp as fuck, and very durable)

Your blade have to go really deep in the wood, to make nice borders for the future steps. If you fuck this part up, you can start from the beginning.
After you remove all the white paper out, you can start removing the wood under the ant.

Insert your knife at the edge, and lift a little the wood that’s under the black parts of the Ant.

The eye is really hard to do in the scale I used, so I cutted it out too, and decided to cover it for painting.

Now, let’s start the painting.

You don’t have to be extremely precise, if you want to get more used/ worn out look.

Take a sponge or anything like that, to remove excessing paint.
Adding a little bit of black paint all over your piece of wood will give a better result after next step.

When the paint dries, it’s time to sand off the top layer of the wood.

If done properly, will look like this.

Now saw off some space for the rope.

Looks pretty good now. Now let’s give it some used/ worn out look. Take some bronze paint, and mix it with water, and use sponge to spread the paint all over.

Take some vivid red paint to paint the eye.

Now, take old shoelace, and tie it to your Ant.
