It’s that time to round up the results of our latest Poll. I must say, this has been the most active Poll to date.
The question was: How many times have you seen The Prodigy live? I must say, the results vary and also quite surprised that alot of fans still have not seen them live.
Poll: How many times have you seen The Prodigy live?
- 1-2 Times: 36%
- 3-4 Times: 22%
- 9 Plus: 19%
- 0 Times: 9%
- 7-8 Times: 7%
- 5-6 Times: 7%
New Poll Question: (Thanks to “SIOUX*SYNDICATE” from the Official Community for the question)
What is your favorite Prodigy colour?
Also, checkout all of the previous Poll Results Here.